Resident Notifications
The Township of River Vale wants to ensure that residents are aware of events going on in and around the Township, emergency or non-emergency. Therefore, we use different forms of communication, depending on the circumstance.
We hope that you take the time to sign up for these services which we have made available to you.
NEW! Township of River Vale, NJ App
Download our app from the iOS App Store or Android Play Store and enable notifications. It's everything River Vale, in your pocket!

Email Blasts
Through our Email Blast Update service, you will receive periodic
e-mails and newsletters with Township news, information
on special events, sports and upcoming meetings.
Any information you share will be used by the Township only
for the purpose of sending out Email Updates / Eblasts.
To sign up, fill in the form below and click "Subscribe."
Public Schools
The River Vale School system offers its own separate notification system. Please visit their website for details.